UK ETA for Hereford and travel guide

Hereford is a cathedral city sitting on the River Wye overlooking the Black Mountains, 26 km (16 miles) from the border with Wales. Acting as the market town for the surrounding area, which is heavily rural and agricultural, Hereford is an intriguing mix of medieval history and modern shopping. The cathedral has major significance as the home to the Mappa Mundi and musical associations, and there is a range of interesting museums. Anyone wishing to visit will need a UK ETA for Hereford, so here is a brief guide to the city’s key attractions and details of the new UK ETA system.

From Anglo-Saxon Capital to Modern City

Archaeology points to human settlement in the Hereford area around 2,000 BC (as evidenced by the Rotherwas Ribbon). There was human activity in the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, and the Romans occupied the area for 300 years, but history records that Hereford owes its founding to the Saxons, who arrived in the area in the 7th century. From then on to the early 12th century, its proximity to Wales meant it was regularly involved in skirmishes and power battles.

There was a huge castle in Hereford, one of the earliest in England, but it was destroyed (date unknown) and then dismantled in the 18th century. The castle was a major stronghold used as a base from where to fight invading Danes (Vikings). It was overtaken by the Normans and played many roles in English and Welsh history, including the fates of English kings until its destruction.

Hereford grew as a county town, acting as the main trading post for agricultural goods produced in a wide area, mainly hops, cider, fruit and wool. By the 1850s, its population was only just over 12,000, but by 1901, it had increased to 21,000+. Today, its population is more than 60,000 residents.

Sightseeing in Hereford

These are some of the most interesting and attractive sights and sites in the city.

Hereford Cathedral,-2.7180546,17z

The Grade I listed building dating from 1079 has many fascinating stories connected to eminent people in British history, but it is most known for the Mappa Mundi, Chained book library and its association with Edward Elgar and the Three Choirs Festival. It is very easy to spend a whole day in Hereford Cathedral, Cathedral Close and the Chapter House.

The Black and White House Museum,-2.7170503,17z

The half-timbered house, built in 1612, is a former merchant’s shop and stands out as quirky on a street of modern stores. Having been restored, the Black and White House Museum is an exhibition of Jacobean life.

Hereford Cider Museum,-2.7285846,17z

Situated in an old cider house dating from 1888, the Cider Museum has an extensive collection of everything to do with producing the drink that has been made in the area since time in memoriam.

Waterworks Museum,-2.7374947,17z

It’s a short stroll alongside the River Wye to the Waterworks Museum. Housed in a Victorian water pumping station from 1856, it contains numerous working pumping engines from the Industrial Revolution to the modern day. The oldest working triple-expansion steam engine in the UK is here, and there’s also an exhibition on the history of drinking water.

Weir Garden,-2.8240064,17z

Escape the city for a while to the gorgeous bucolic countryside of Herefordshire to visit the Weir Garden. A National Trust property in the Wye Valley, the gardens run alongside the river and are an unspoilt area of beauty, calm and tranquillity.

To visit and appreciate these interesting UK attractions, you need a UK ETA for Hereford. Here’s what you need to know.

UK Government Announces UK ETA for All Foreign Visitors

By the end of 2024, the border and immigration control process will make it mandatory for every visitor to the UK to obtain ETA approval in order to gain entry. Here is what you need to know regarding the requirements of the new UK ETA for Hereford.

What is the New UK ETA?

The UK ETA is a digital permit attached to a national passport. When the programme is launched, the borders will be fully digitalised, and the ETA will enable a visitor to enter the UK – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. An ETA is required, regardless of whether the reason for the visit is leisure, business, studying or medical treatment.

Who Requires an ETA?

All foreign visitors, including non-visa nationals from Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, must have a UK ETA. There are no age exemptions — every traveller of any age must have an approved ETA. There are 90 countries currently on the ETA Eligibility List.

UK ETA exemptions for Hereford

Any holder of a British passport is exempt from ETA requirements, as are British nationals not resident in the UK. The following will not require an ETA to visit:

  • British citizens resident in overseas territories
  • British overseas nationals
  • British citizens living overseas
  • Persons with British-protected status
  • British subjects without the right of abode in the United Kingdom

Holders of passports from the Republic of Ireland are also exempt from UK ETA requirements.

How Do You Apply for a UK ETA?

The ETA application process takes place online. No paperwork is submitted, and no documentation is issued. Applying for a UK ETA for Hereford takes a few minutes and is processed between 48 and 72 hours.

You need a valid national biometric passport, a valid email address and a credit or debit card. The application requests various pieces of information from you. This is personal details (name, date of birth, gender), contact information (residence and email addresses), details of passport (country of issue, number and expiry date) and employer information (name and contact details).

You will also be asked to disclose other information, such as citizenships other than the country that issued your passport and any dual nationality. There are questions about immigration history, criminal history, drug history, connections to terrorism and health queries. Payment details are also taken at the point of application. To allow for processing time, it is best to apply for a UK ETA for Hereford in good time before your travel date.

There is no guarantee that every ETA application will be granted. If denied, you might still be eligible for a visa, which can be applied for via the usual visa application process. If you have concerns that you may be denied an ETA, it is best to apply well in advance and not book travel tickets until an ETA has been issued.

Each ETA application is individually assessed. The information you provide is checked by the UK Border Force against international immigration and security databases, and when an ETA is granted, it is shared with Advance Passenger Information (API) systems. Travel companies and carriers will continue to check that their passengers have valid documentation, including ETAs, to enter the UK.

Please note that a valid ETA does not guarantee entry to the UK. The Border Force may still refuse entry if they believe the traveller is inadmissible under UK law. The information provided in your ETA application is subject to the published terms and conditions and data privacy policy.

How Long is an ETA Valid?

An ETA is valid for 180 days from the date of issue or the date a traveller’s national passport expires, whichever is earlier. The ETA enables the holder freedom of movement within the UK in the six-month period.

If an ETA is due to expire during your stay in the UK, you will need a new ETA to continue your visit. Visitors who want to spend longer than six months in the UK or intend to work will need to apply for a visa.

What ETA Documentation Does the Traveller Receive?

An ETA is electronically linked to the applicant’s passport, and no paperwork is required. The ETA will be automatically verified when scanned by the immigration officer at the port of entry.

What Are The Benefits of The ETA for Travellers?

The visa application process will be simplified and faster. Paper applications will no longer be required, nor will they need to be submitted in person at a British consulate or embassy. More information can be found in  ETA FAQ.

Hereford is one of the UK’s most unassuming cities, but its cathedral heart is massively significant to British heritage and culture. The surrounding countryside is beautiful, and the city is an excellent base for visiting the West Country and Wales. Apply for your UK ETA for Hereford and explore a scenic corner of England.