London is the Top European Destination for Americans in 2023

| February 2, 2024
London is The Top European Destination for Americans in 2023

The England capital emerged as the most popular European destination among American travelers.

According to a report published in Visa Guide World, Europe continues to be a favorite destination for Americans.

London, England’s capital, topped Americans’ preferred European destinations in 2023. 

Other European cities in the rankings include Paris in France, Dublin in Ireland, Rome in Italy, and Reykjavík in Iceland. 

Additionally, Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, bagged the sixth most favored European destination for Americans in 2023. 

The rest of the top ten European destinations popular among Americans are Athens in Greece, Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Lisbon in Portugal, and Milan in Italy. 

Increasing outbound travel for Americans 

In 2021, the number of Americans traveling to Europe fell drastically due to the COVID restrictions. 

However, as soon as governments lifted pandemic travel constraints, American travel rose to a 600 percent increase in 2022.

The upward trend continued into 2023, wherein a record number of Americans traveled internationally. 

Data from the International Trade Administration show that over 60.6 million Americans departed to an international destination before the pandemic.

When travelers could travel more freely after the pandemic, data revealed that throughout 2022, more than 49 million Americans flew abroad.

In 2023, over 67.1 million (67,179,554) American travelers flew to an international destination.

The number of passports in circulation has also increased, proving Americans’ reignited interest in travel.

More Americans visiting Europe

Of the 67 million flights that departed the US internationally, a record of 5.8 million landed in Europe. 

This accounts for 55 percent of all American travelers’ international journeys.

Americans who traveled to Europe stayed for extended periods due to the long flights between continents. 

Longer travel times compelled Americans to plan for extended trips to take advantage of time spent away rather than in transit.

Most Europe-bound American travelers plan for week-long stays, while a smaller percentage plan for more extended vacations of eight days or more. 

During the summer, April had the highest number of Americans in Europe.

Those who prefer the summer months typically want to take in the rich history, art, and food culture. 

In colder months, American tourists now tend to seek out European destinations known for their festive charm and winter activities.

These include Christmas markets, classical musical traditions, and picturesque world-class skiing destinations. 

“European destinations continue to live up to all travelers’ expectations,” said Lum Kamishi, Project Manager

“With numerous museums, attractions, and activities that cater to different preferences, Europe is the place to be for American travelers,” she added. 

Karnish expects to see this increased interest and popularity of European destinations throughout 2024. 

Americans lead tourism spending in the UK

The United States (US) led the recovery in UK tourism in 2023, according to the British Travel Authority (BTA). 

American visitor spending last year reached a record-breaking double-digit growth of 28 percent from 2019, even when adjusted for inflation. 

BTA CEO Patricia Yates shared that international visitors spent tens of billions of money that supported local economies and jobs.

The UK’s national tourism agency expects the US market to be valued at £6.7 billion in 2024. 

It predicts that American visitors will contribute nearly £1 in every £5 of all inbound tourism spending.

UK as the top European destination

In 2024, the BTA has planned to make the UK the top European destination.

This involves tourism campaigns to encourage visitors to explore more of Britain and extend their stay.

The objective is to boost spending in Britain and distribute the economic benefits of tourism to various destinations across the UK.

Apart from the American market, BTA aims to target growth markets such as Australia, the Gulf bloc, and other major European markets. 

Research shows that the welcoming nature of a destination is a crucial factor influencing visitors’ choices.

With this in mind, the UK tourism campaign will highlight vibrant cities, contemporary culture, and Britain’s scenic coast and countryside. 

BTA is also working with the British Film Commission to boost screen tourism throughout the UK’s nations and regions.

Screen or film tourism capitalizes on locations popularised by movies and TV shows. 

The campaign will showcase notable film and TV locations, destinations, and visitor experiences to attract more tourists.