Edinburgh Named Best City in the World to Raise a Family

| July 3, 2024
Edinburgh Named Best City in the World to Raise a Family

Edinburgh, the historic capital of Scotland, has recently been declared the best city in the world to raise a family.

This is according to a study commissioned by a language learning platform, iTalki.

The research looked at many factors that make life good for families, such as education, healthcare, and family-friendly places.

The study found that Edinburgh’s excellent schools, parks, and amenities make it the best city to raise a family.

The city also boasts of being the third least stressful city and ranked 15th happiest city globally.

Why Edinburg was hailed as best city to raise a family

The iTalki study examined many cities worldwide, considering factors such as school quality, healthcare, safety, and overall living conditions.

Among the top cities identified as best for families are Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Seville in Spain, Helsinki in Finland, and Copenhagen in Denmark.

However, Scotland’s Edinburgh topped the list because of its excellent schools and universities.

The city has the famous University of Edinburgh, and its public schools do very well in national tests.

The city’s healthcare system is also very good. The National Health Service provides full medical care to residents.

This ensures that Edinburgh residents receive the health services they need.

For instance, it offers more paid maternity leave at a generous 39 weeks, way more than any other location.

The study also noted 32.8 things to do in Edinburgh per 10,000 people.

This translates to an impressive 1,833 activities overall to keep everyone entertained.

Edinburgh also has many green spaces and outdoor activities, helping families stay healthy and active.

The city has many parks, such as Holyrood Park and the Royal Botanic Garden, where families can enjoy.

These factors together make an exceptional place for children to grow up.

Edinburgh ranked third least stressful and 15th happiest city worldwide

The best place to raise a family must be very relaxing, as Edinburgh also ranked the third least stressed city globally.

A study by William Russell cited that the capital of Scotland’s relaxed pace of life, rich culture, and beautiful scenery make it a low-stress place to live.

It considered many factors, such as pollution levels, LGBTQ+ safety, cleanliness, and cost of living.

Vienna in Austria and Munich in Germany ranked higher than Edinburgh as the least stressed cities.

Edinburgh ranked high across the board. It ranked higher than most for its LGBTQ+ safety.

The quality of its green spaces is also highly regarded, ranking fifth for the factor and scoring 82.26.

Edinburgh’s public transport system works well, and there is not much traffic, which helps reduce daily stress.

The city is known for its diversity and welcoming attitude. Travelers from all over the world can quickly feel at home in it.

It also offers many cultural activities, such as festivals, museums, and theaters.

These local attractions give both individuals and families many chances to relax and have fun together.

Additionally, many support networks and community groups offer help and social activities for everyone.

Edinburgh was also recently ranked the 15th happiest city in the world by the Institute for Quality of Life (IQL).

Other UK cities that made it to the list of happiest cities are Bristol, which placed seventh, and London, which placed 33rd. 

How expats can live in the UK

Raising a family abroad can be an incredible adventure, but picking the right location is vital.

People wanting to live in Edinburgh or anywhere in the UK have several visa options based on their situation.

The UK’s Innovator Visa is for entrepreneurs who want to start a business in the UK.

Applicants must have an innovative, viable, and scalable business idea supported by an approved group.

Another option is the Global Talent Visa, which applies to leaders or potential leaders in academia or research, arts and culture, and digital technology.

Individuals with a job offer from a UK employer can apply for a Skilled Worker visa.

Others who intend to study and live in the UK can apply for a Student visa.

However, only student visa holders enrolled in postgraduate and government-subsidized courses can bring their families to the UK.

Those who already have family residing in the UK can apply for a family visa. This includes visas for spouses, partners, children, and dependent relatives.

The UK visa application process requires applicants to complete an online application, pay the visa fee, and submit biometric data at a visa office or consulate.

Processing times can take a few weeks to several months, so applying ahead of time is a good idea.

Edinburgh being named the best city to raise a family shows how great its living conditions and welcoming environment are.

For families and individuals considering moving, Edinburgh offers a bright future full of opportunities and a high quality of life.